Training Exercise Planned For Victoria Park/Cobourg Beach Thursday

In Community, Editor Choice, Local

A training exercise is planned in the area for Cobourg beach this coming Thursday afternoon that will test the capabilities of emergency services.
Cobourg’s Emergency Planner, Shannon Murphy said waterfront training and exercise will encompass members of the YMCA Northumberland lifeguard staff, along with emergency members will be focussing on missing children.
“Our busy festival weekends Waterfront Festival and Sandcastle Festival, it’s very busy at the beach and if someone turns their back for a second, somebody could be missing.”
“Usually it’s a very happy ending that’s very quickly resolved and we find the child has wandered off.”
But in a rare occurrence it may involved a major search of the area.
Along with approximately 50 staff from YMCA Northumberland, with up to 30 members of other agencies including Cobourg Police, Cobourg Fire Department, Northumberland OPP and Northumberland County Paramedics.
“It’s progressive, so it will be run like a typical Canada Day weekend where perhaps lifeguards could find up to 12 missing children in one day.”
With the amount of activities in the park for festivals, and the vast amount of people there are many places children could be, not only at the beach.
The exercise the culmination of training for the lifeguards for the summer, but Murphy says it’s a perfect opportunities for all agencies to take part with the rides and tents already in place.
“It’s also great for our staff as well. Anybody down at the waterfront wearing a Town of Cobourg uniform could be identified as a person of authority where a child or parent could go to for help.”
“We want to make sure all staff are prepared this summer.”
With a number of different agencies involved in the exercise communications is one of the key aspects.
“After the exercise is over we do a After Action Report and look at internal communication and interoperability between agencies is something that is addressed.”
Murphy wants advice the public if they see activity in the area of the beach between the times of 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. it is a training exercise.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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