Help us tell your story.

Local community journalism has be struggling for a number of years as Facebook and Google expand and pull local advertising revenue overseas. Once, large corporations owned many community papers but being located in big cities have forgotten the value of community news.

Small, independent newspapers such as Today’s Northumberland have sprung up from the ashes of closed corporate newspapers to support local democracy, the community and local business. But small display ads often aren’t enough and we’re asking the public to support us while we support them.

Without factual and unbiased news coverage, local democracy suffers. Politicians, corporations and policy makers make decisions in the dark without input from the community. Without local news businesses and local charities loose their voice.

Please consider signing up as a supporter of local journalism and pledge either $3 or $8 per month. All funds stay within the Northumberland community and go directly to the journalists on the street telling your stories.

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