Editorial – Getting A Straight Answer Shouldn’t Be This Difficult

In Editorial

Editorial – What a difference a few days make.

Recently, the Executive Director of Transition House spoke in-depth about the many aspects about homelessness on a radio show recently – but less than a week later, it was as difficult as getting cell phone service from Rogers to get that same information.

Anne Newman is the executive director of Transition House and in a interview with Rob Washburn on his show, Consider This on Northumberland 89.7 on Friday, July 8, 2022 many items were discussed during the interview.

Many aspects were discussed by the veteran reporter. Newman, has also been Executive Director with Transition House for a number of years and is well versed at being interviewed.

Homelessness encompasses many different forms including mental health, addictions, and financial status to name a few.

When a person first contacts Transition House, staff speak with the person about diversion. If there is another way of dealing with the situation that would be better suited to the individual.

Newman said there are people who are choosing to not access housing or have experienced “service restrictions” at Transition House.

At one point during the interview, it seemed to come as a surprise to Washburn that there are open spaces not only in Transition House, but in other facilities run by Northumberland County.

Today’s Northumberland reached out to Newman to inquire on the information and asked the question about how many beds are empty.

Through a number of e-mails, sent to Newman, it became clear, it would be extremely difficult to get that same information that was released a few days earlier.

Today’s Northumberland asked in a e-mail, “could you tell me how many spots are available at the facilities in Northumberland County?”

Newman’s response was, “very difficult to give actual numbers as it’s a changing situation by the minute.”

We then asked about receiving the numbers that had been given on the radio show – which came to another dead end.

“The county will be doing a full report next week on capacity etc.,” same the reply from Newman.

The amount of beds that aren’t being occupied is extremely important for a number of reasons.

People are looking to help those in need in anyway. One area of concern is housing – or the lack thereof and what can be done about it.

But to hear on the radio that there were numerous beds available honestly did come as a shock.

Newman did finally say for emergency Shelter, there are 18 beds in Transition House and 21 beds in local motel’s available.

There are also up to four motel rooms available for family-focused diversion.

It came as a bit of a relief that Newman offered that piece of information, but what we were looking for was the number of vacant beds as what was said on the radio program.

When asked, her response was, “that number changes by the minute. We have space now.”

And the frustration continued.

It was at that point, frankly, it was time to give up stating we’d get the information from the interview Newman did with Washburn.

Newman said there will be upcoming meetings, but nothing she stated with Washburn was a secret.

“I would just rather let the county respond moving forward. I don’t see all the separate discussions leading to positive outcomes right now. I feel that meetings have been set and the response is in place.”

“As for our numbers we are not full. By the hour our numbers change. Not a secret it’s the reality. I don’t want to see people sticking to those numbers as simple math as it’s not that simple.”

Newman is right. These are people’s lives. And there is nothing simple about homelessness and helping those in need. There are many different factors why those beds are empty. There are rules set at Transition House. If people don’t follow them, they aren’t allowed at the facility. People sometimes, just don’t want to stay in a facility. It doesn’t matter what the facility is, or looks like. They may just like the freedom of being outside. Factors like addiction and mental health could also be involved.

But the bottom line, transparency by those who run the facilities is also extremely important.

Transparency is equivalent to trust.

It shouldn’t have taken six e-mails going back and forth to get a simple answer.

“Due to recent funding that enabled an increase in motel spaces, there are approximately 15 additional spaces available each night beyond current occupancy.”

So, including the four motel rooms for family-focused diversion there are 43 beds available each night with 15 of those not being used.

That’s equivalent to 35% of beds being available to help those in need aren’t being used.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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