Northumberland PACE Community Conversation – “Finding Quality Health Information Online”

In Upcoming Events

Join Librarian Amanda Ross-White in Cobourg on Wednesday, March 20th for the next Northumberland PACE community conversation –
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Finding Quality Health Information Online”

NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, Wednesday, March 6th, 2019—The next PACE conversation will take place in the Community Education Centre at Northumberland Hills Hospital on Wednesday, March 20th at 5:30 PM with guest speaker Amanda Ross-White leading the discussion.

Amanda Ross-White, MLIS, AHIP, has been a librarian at the Bracken Health Sciences Library at Queen’s University, in Kingston for over 10 years. A senior member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals, she has co-authored over 25 peer-reviewed papers. Her book Joy at the End of the Rainbow: A Guide to Pregnancy After a Loss won an award from the American Journal of Nursing. Her current research examines the impact of predatory or deceptive publications on practice guidelines.

Using the phrase “IF I APPLY,” Ross-White will guide a discussion of questions we can ask when evaluating health information online. She will demonstrate that, by thinking about and checking our own internal biases before evaluating the information found on web pages, we can help ensure we are getting the best and most recent information on health topics. Using a mix of “personal” steps and “source” steps, Amanda Ross-White will look at sample web pages to evaluation the information found, in this context!

Identify emotions attached to the topic.
Find unbiased reference sources.
Have Intellectual courage.
Establish Authority.
Consider Purpose/Point of view.
Who is the Publisher?
What’s in the List of sources?
What is the Year of publication?

Lasting approximately one hour in length, PACE events consist of a 30-minute talk, a 20-minute question-and-answer period with the guest speaker and a 10-minute moderator summary.

Amanda Ross-White’s PACE conversation will begin at 5:30 PM on March 20th, in the Community Education Centre at Northumberland Hills Hospital, 1000 DePalma Drive.

Bring your questions, your suggestions and your experience and join in what is expected to be another lively discussion! If you have a smart phone, we invite you to bring it, to participate in real-time event feedback. No smart phone? Not a problem. Audience feedback will also be gathered without the help of technology.

Reminder – this and all PACE talks are FREE, but pre-registration is required to manage room capacity. Register for Amanda Ross-White’s March conversation today at, where you will also find a listing of the upcoming speaker and topic line-up along with video highlights from recent talks.

Next up for PACE? The Science of Mindfulness, with Dr. Jackie Gardner-Nix. Dr. Gardner-Nix’s conversation is scheduled for April 20th, 2019, at the Community Health Centres of Northumberland, 99 Toronto Road, Port Hope. Registration will open in late March.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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