Any driver should know well enough not to drink and drive – at any time.
It’s not only illegal, it’s dumb.
It puts the driver at risk and more importantly if they don’t value their life, it puts others at risk unnecessarily.
For what?
To save a few bucks on a cab.
It’s not worth it. What does it take to get through to people it’s not worth it.
Over the past 24-hours Northumberland OPP have charged at least one person with impaired driving and two have been given three-day license suspensions at a RIDE check east of Brighton.
The latest three-day suspension happened just before noon on December 31, 2018. That’s right, before noon.
In fact, all three were stopped at the same location east of Brighton during the day. Today’s RIDE east of Brighton stopped approximately 500 vehicles.
For people who wonder why police have RIDE checks during the day, this is exactly why.
The driver given the three-day suspension this morning, and the passenger, who had no alcohol in their system drove the vehicle away.
If a person is charged with impaired driving by drugs or alcohol and they are lucky enough not to injure or kill anyone, the court costs would easily exceed $10,000. Again, for what, the sake of a cab ride or phoning a friend or family member.
Ontario Provincial Police along with municipal services will be out looking for people who are impaired by drugs or alcohol.
If you’re out tonight, remember to wait long enough in the morning before you get behind the wheel. Alcohol stays in the system – sometimes longer than you think.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to start a trend on New Year’s Eve.
No impaired charges from 9 p.m. December 31, to noon on January 1.
It’s not much, but it’s a start.
But if I had to wager, I’m sure someone will break the trend tonight.
Just pray that it’s not your relative on the receiving end.