Cobourg Council – Coming Soon: Question of the Day

In City Hall

By Cecilia Nasmith Northumberland 89.7 FM
Cobourg’s Chief Administrative Officer Tracey Vaughan this week shared plans with council for a Question of the Day project.

The communications department is always on the look-out for ways to enhance their listening capabilities, Vaughan said. And with the introduction of a customer-service desk in Victoria Hall, more information is being collected that can be of help.

“Staff members in the lobby are getting a lot of good intelligence and data coming in,” Vaughan said.

“We are beginning to look at some of the typical questions we are getting through customer-service channels, and also social media. What are residents continuing to ask about?”

With that information, they will formulate questions of the day to post on social-media channels and share through internal digital bulletin boards.

“We hope it will be a useful tool,” she said.

“If we have heard from 10 residents on a topic, there will be 100 who have the same questions.”

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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