Northumberland County Celebrates County Employees

In City Hall

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Periodic celebrations by Northumberland County council of employees reaching milestones in their employment tenure typically fill the council gallery – not only with the employees being honoured but also with their friends, family members and supportive colleagues.

Fifty-nine of these employees were honoured at the ceremony council held Wednesday to recognize staffers achieving service milestones of between five and 35 years at the county.

“It’s interesting to note Brighton has about 59 employees total,” Warden Brian Ostrander (who is mayor of the Municipality of Brighton) said.

Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Moore called the event “an occasion to say thank you for the enthusiasm you bring to your jobs day in and day out, working together to bring together People, Partnerships and Possibilities for a strong and vibrant Northumberland.

“You are truly champions of a vibrant future for the county and, as we enter a new year together, I know we will meet every challenge and seize every opportunity before us.”

Five years – One employee each from Communications, Corporate Services and Information Technology were recognized, as well as three from Public Works, four from Finance and 11 from the Golden Plough Lodge.

Ten years – One employee each from Communications and Public Works were recognized, as well as seven each from the Golden Plough Lodge and Northumberland Paramedics

Fifteen years – Achieving 15 years were one employee from Corporate Services, three from the Golden Plough Lodge and five from Public Works.

Twenty years – One employee each from Finance and Community and Social Services achieve this milestone, as well as two each from Public Works and Northumberland Paramedics.

Twenty-five years – One Golden Plough Lodge employee hit the quarter-century mark, as well as four from Public Works.

Thirty-five years – One of the Northumberland Paramedics can boast 35 years on the job.

Several retirees were also honoured, including one from Community and Social Services following a 25-year career and two from the Golden Plough Lodge (one of whom had worked 29 years and one of whom had worked 33).

One retiree came in for special commendation, including Bill Detlor. His 13-year career with the county included serving as Paramedics Chief before a shift to become Administrator of the Golden Plough Lodge in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

And one employee who could not be honoured by Moore was Moore herself. A fellow staffer did the honours, noting her 15-year track record.

Moore became CAO in 2015, but was originally hired as Director of Finance. The staffer recalled her original interview in 2008 when she was asked how she would bring her team together.

“She said, ‘I make home-made treats and bring them in,’ so I said, ‘Sign on the dotted line,’” she said.

Moore smiled and took her turn going around the council-chambers horseshoe to shake everyone’s hand.

And with that, the audience filed out to get back to work.

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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