Municipality of Port Hope Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings – April 5, 2022

In City Hall

Below is a summary of key items discussed at the Municipality of Port Hope Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. The agendas and staff reports are available on the Agendas and Minutes page of our website. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was held electronically via video conference.

Council Meeting:
The following are highlights from the Council Meeting.

Use of corporate resources for Election purposes

Council approved the new Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes Policy. This policy will help to ensure compliance with the Municipal Elections Act and will establish standards to be followed by the Municipality and all candidates during an Election period.

Sidewalk Patio Program update

Council passed a By-law Amendment regarding the extension of the sidewalk patio licensing timeframe, to allow for downtown businesses to install patios beginning on April 6, 2022. This adjustment allows businesses to capitalize on the program in time for the first significant public event of the visitor season (Ganny Weekend), support an industry hard hit from the last two years of the pandemic, and help to support ongoing public safety best practices from a COVID-19 perspective.

Committee of the Whole:

The following are highlights from the Committee of the Whole Meeting.


2022 Municipal Election – Restricted Acts

Staff provided a report recommending a By-law delegating limited authority to the CAO for certain matters during the Municipal Election period. This legislative restriction, in the Municipal Act, is referred to as ‘Restricted Acts’ or more commonly known as ‘Lame Duck’ provision.


If approved, the Lame Duck period will be in effect from August 19, 2022 (Nomination Day) to November 14, 2022 (when the new Council takes office), and will be subject to certain restrictions, including:


  • Appointing or removing from office of any officer of the Municipality
  • The hiring or dismissal of any employee of the Municipality of Port Hope
  • Disposing of any real or personal property of the municipality which has a value exceeding $50,000 at the time of disposal
  • Making any expenditures or incurring any other liability which exceeds $50,000.


This is a standard practice that most municipalities undertake to safeguard against potential gaps in authority and is supported by the Municipal Act. In 2018, Council provided similar temporary delegation.


A By-law will be presented to Council for their consideration at the April 19 meeting.


Environmental Impact Study – Phase 5 Penryn Mason Homes Inc.

Staff provided a report for information regarding the revised Environmental Impact Study and the Heritage Report for phase 5 of the Penryn Mason Homes project. The completed revised studies have undergone preliminary peer review and have been released to the public to support the ongoing transparency on the matter.

This report also identifies that the developer, Mason Homes, Aon Inc., through their counsel, has advised the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) that they are requesting this matter be brought back before the Tribunal and that the Tribunal provide a date of return for this matter so they may provide the notice as directed in the Decision.


Drinking Water Quality Management System review

Staff provided a report outlining the findings of the 2021 Drinking Water Quality Management System (QMS) Management Review. No deficiencies or concerns with the QMS were brought forward during the Management Review meeting and Port Hope Drinking Water QMS is effectively managed and is performing very well.


Walton Street Reconstruction – Phase 1

Staff provided a report awarding the contract for phase 1 of the Walton Street Reconstruction Project (Mill Street to Pine Street). Staff recommended:


  • That a resolution be presented to Council to award Contract No. 25T-ENG-2022 for the phase 1 of the Walton Street Reconstruction project to Dekeyser Excavating Ltd. in the amount of $1,883,928.64 (net HST) with the project funds to be drawn from the approved 2022 Capital budget
  • That a By-law be presented to Council to authorize execution of an agreement with Dekeyser Excavating Ltd. for phase 1 of the Walton Street Reconstruction project

These recommendations will be brought to Council for consideration at the April 19 meeting. Staff will provide an update on phase 2 of this project (from Pine Street to Mill Street) at an upcoming meeting.


Hamilton Road upgrades

Staff provided a report with updates on the Hamilton Road Paving and Drainage Improvement project. Since Hamilton Road is a boundary road between Hamilton Township and the Municipality of Port Hope, per the boundary road agreement, Port Hope performs any general maintenance with any capital costs being shared equally between Port Hope and Hamilton Township. Hamilton Township has awarded the contract to Dekeyser Excavating. As a result of supply chain challenges, rising fuel costs, and inflation, $26,291.23 needs to be reallocated from the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) to cover the Municipality’s portion for the project.


A resolution will be presented to Council at the April 19 meeting.


Renaming of Fire and Emergency Services department to Protective Services department

Periodically, municipal department names are reviewed to ensure they clearly reflect the responsibilities of the portfolio and that they are modern and consistent with other municipalities around the province. Staff presented a report recommending the renaming of the ‘Fire and Emergency Services’ department to the ‘Protective Services’ department. This department currently represents Fire Services, Emergency Management, Building Services, and Bylaw/Parking Enforcement. This name change will better represent all services within the department and reflect a modern naming convention.


A resolution will be presented to Council at a later date.


Minutes and video recordings

Meeting minutes will be available pending approval at the next Council meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at which point they will become the official record of the meeting.


Recordings of the April 5, 2022, Council and Committee of the Whole meetings will be available at

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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