By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Northumberland Community Services Manager Sarah Tanner has made presentations on the Community Safety and Well-being Plan at council meetings of the county’s member municipalities and, just last month, also at county council.
She was back at the June meeting of the Social Services Standing Committee meeting because “now we are at the point of bringing to council the final report.”
It will be an electronic document, featuring handy links for further information.
Tanner reminded council of the four key priorities all the work leading up to this plan had determined – homelessness and affordable housing, mental health, substance use and addiction, and poverty, income and employment.
For each priority, there will be an introduction, data snapshot and definitions. Then each priority will be broken down to identify goals, objectives, activities, timelines and measures of success.
The program model centres on generating buy-in, leveraging existing community strengths, focusing on risks and adapting with agility.
Collaboration continues to be an underlying strength throughout all the work done with partner agencies to get to this point, she said.
“We talked about that a lot. That came out very clearly. They shared their experience, shared their data, shared their resources so we can all build Northumberland together.”
A collaborative team remains that will monitor implementation of the plan, ensure a robust leadership table and include people with what Tanner termed “lived and living experience.”
Committee chair Bob Sanderson recalled that, when Tanner made a presentation to Port Hope council recently, discussion arose over budget requirements as the plan is implemented.
“Here’s something mandated by the government but not supported by the government financially,” Sanderson said.
“It’s a great program, and I think the amount of work behind it is in evidence. We love your enthusiasm and your commitment.”
The motion recommended approval of the plan at the June 16 regular county council meeting and commit to the activities outlined in the plan, a copy of which (the motion provides) will be forwarded to Ontario Solicitor General Sylvia Jones.
Further recommendations in the motion include the hiring of a temporary full-time Community Services Co-ordinator (for a period of 12 months) to lead the implementation and allocating existing funding within the current approved budget for this purpose.