Cobourg Police Remind Drivers to ‘Lock it or Lose it’ This Holiday Season

In Police Blotter

An unlocked vehicle with valuables left in plain sight is an easy target for thieves.

The Cobourg Police Service ‘Lock it or Lose it’ campaign encourages drivers to take precautions to protect their vehicles and vehicle contents from theft. Whether it’s parking your car at work, at the store or at home, leaving valuables in plain sight or the vehicle unlocked makes your vehicle an easy target for thieves.

Cobourg Police Service auxiliary members go into the community to educate the community on crime prevention through the “Lock it or Lose it” campaign. Auxiliary officers examine parked
vehicles to confirm that they are locked and that no valuables have been left in plain view. They place a small notice on vehicles that have been checked to indicate what safety precautions were
neglected and to offer simple crime-prevention tips. Drivers who have secured their vehicles will receive notices congratulating them for their actions.

The campaign runs all year and ramps up at key times of the year, including the holiday seasons when gift purchases increase and schedules are hectic, making it easy to forget the simple steps to protect your vehicle from theft.

Here is how Cobourg measures up so far this holiday season:

Over seven (7) nights between November 5 and December 10, 966 vehicles were checked by auxiliary officers in the Town of Cobourg.
• 708 vehicles were found to be up to standard

• 258 vehicles did not meet the lock it or lose it standards

Of those that failed to meet the ‘Lock it or Lose it’ standards, the following items were left out in plain sight: handbags/purses, suitcases, wallets, backpacks, phones, GPS, and more. The Cobourg
Police Service encourages everyone to make it a routine to protect your vehicle against theft. Here are some tips to protect your vehicle and its contents:

• Ensure doors are always locked and the key is in your pocket

• Park in well-lit areas

• Never leave money in plain sight

• Always roll up your car windows

• Put shopping bags and other parcels in the trunk

• Ensure GPS is put in a safe, out-of-sight location

• Keep vehicle registration certificate and proof of insurance on you

• Take electronics, including your cellphone, with you

• Don’t leave your car running unattended

• If parking in the same lot often, park in different spots each day

If you see something or someone suspicious, or you had something stolen from your vehicle, report online by visiting the Cobourg Police Service website If you are witness to an in-progress theft, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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