Second Year Off and Running For Today’s Northumberland

In Editorial

It’s the beginning of the second year for Today’s Northumberland and Beyond,
Simply put, the first year was beyond our expectations.
“Busy” doesn’t begin to describe the past year.
Covering news events since approximately 1989 the key is to have the trust of the people you serve. We’ve always said there will be glitches along the way. “Growing pains” you could almost say. But it’s the effort that counts. Being there when news happens, asking questions people are interested in, taking on stories when others won’t, a voice for the people when they feel like no one is listening. All core values in what we believe.
The people’s trust in what you do makes or breaks any organization.
Often people have approached said Today’s Northumberland is the first thing they look at in the morning. Which is exactly what we are looking for – to be your trusted source for news.
Former national photo editor with Post Media, Steve White was the one got Today’s Northumberland and Beyond off the ground.
Steve along with Cecilia Nasmith have been nothing short of extraordinary.
Cecilia is a trusted reporter throughout Northumberland County for decades. She has a touch and speed of writing that most can only dream of.
Today’s Northumberland is fortunate to have Cecilia.
Over the course of time, I’m sure everyone questions the path they are taking. Two things happened recently that I would like to share.
The first was a piece of mail with OPP letterhead on it. Now, being a journalist for a number of years, receiving a letter with police letterhead causes the anxiety level to rise a bit.
“What did I do now?” were the first thoughts.
Opening the letter and reading it, epitomises what I think professional relationships should be.
It was from Deputy Director Scott Naylor of the Criminal Investigations Branch of the OPP.
It’s been over 10-years since Scott and myself first met. Since then, we would occasionally cross paths. At one point Scott was the Manager of the OPP’s Child Exploitation Unit.
Scott understood the role of the media. How important they can be, and what a pain they can be.
It meant the world to me that a person who I respect and consider a friend would take the time to write a letter acknowledging the respect we shared for one another.
Unfortunately, I’m not even sure how to contact him to thank him.
The second occasion where I knew Today’s Northumberland was making a difference was at the Mayor’s Levee in Cobourg.
A woman came up to me and said how much she appreciated the Today’s Northumberland. On a number of occasions she told me that she wanted to present a gift, but it was always to busy at the time. At the Mayor’s Levee, the woman shook my hand and placed something in my hand. I said no, but thanked her for her support. Again, she wanted to hand me the present. Again, I said no. It was obvious she wasn’t going to refuse.
It was a busy time as speeches were happening, but after the formal ceremony was over, I hopefully conveyed my deepest gratitude for her gift. It truly does mean the world.
With Today’s Northumberland we want to grow and we want you to help.
Let us know what’s going on, let us know about an event. Send us photos, or information about upcoming events. We will do our best to cover it. If we can’t, send us information about the event for us to share.
This area is where three generations of my family have grown up and no where else would I rather live and raise my children.
For people who wish to advertise, please contact us. Advertising works and you will not find a better news outlet in Northumberland County.
And a big tip of the hat to those who have advertised. They are the ultimate reason what keeps the machine going. If you want news covered 24/7/365 there is only one Today’s Northumberland and Beyond.
Please help support us to carry on YOUR local journalism.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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