Northumberland OPP – Impaired Driving Charges

In Police Blotter

Several Impaired Driving Charges Laid in Northumberland County

(CRAMAHE TOWNSHIP, ON) – On Friday December 28, 2018 members of the Northumberland Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were conducting a Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) spot check on Spring Street in the village of Castleton. Just after 7:00 pm officers arrested and charged 40-year-old Daniel Edwards PRATT of Cramahe Township with Operation while impaired – blood drug concentration.

On the same evening of December 28, 2018 just after 11:00 pm officers were conducting a RIDE on Big Apple Drive just north of Colborne. A vehicle attempted to avoid the officers check point. The vehicle was located and the driver, 28-year-old Scott Gregory PATTON of Alnwick-Haldimand Township was arrested and charged under the Criminal Code of Canada with the following offences:

· Operation while impaired – alcohol and drugs
· Failure or refusal to comply with demand
· Breach of Recognizance
· Mischief under $5,000

Both of the accused males were released and are scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Cobourg on January 30, 2019.

(HAMILTON TOWNSHIP, ON) – On Saturday December 29, 2018 just after 4:30 pm officers responded to a traffic complaint regarding a white SUV travelling eastbound on Highway 401east of Port Hope. Officers observed the suspect vehicle exit the highway and stopped it on Division Street in Cobourg. As a result of the investigation Stephen QUANDUK (age 41) of Scarborough Ontario, was arrested and charged with Operation while impaired – blood drug concentration. He was released and is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Cobourg on January 23, 2019.

(MUNICIPALITY OF BRIGHTON, ON) – On Sunday December 30, 2018 at approximately 4:30 pm, officers were conducting RIDE on County Road 2 east of the town of Brighton. Alan John FLEDDERUS (age 60) of Brighton Ontario was arrested and charged with Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concentration – 80 plus, after he approached the check point and officers found him to be under the influence of alcohol. He was released and is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Cobourg on January 30, 2019.

All the accused listed above had the vehicles they were driving towed and impounded for seven days and their drivers licences immediately suspended for 90 days.

(MUNICIPALITY OF PORT HOPE, ON) – On Sunday December 30, 2018 at approximately 5:00 pm officers responded to a report of a possible impaired driver travelling eastbound on Highway 401 in the Municipality of Port Hope. The grey pick-up truck was described as travelling at inconsistent speeds and unable to maintain driving in a marked lane.

The suspect vehicle was stopped on Highway 401 east of Port Hope. As a result of the investigation 19-year-old Meghan ARMSTRONG of Etobicoke, Ontario was arrested and charged under the Criminal Code of Canada with the following offences:

· Operation while impaired – alcohol and drugs
· Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concentration – 80 plus
· Possession of Property Obtained by Crime over $5,000

The accused was additionally charged under the Highway Traffic Act with Drive motor vehicle – no licence. She was released and is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Cobourg on January 23, 2019.

Members of the Northumberland County OPP also issued four 3-day warn range licence suspensions over the weekend.

The OPP remains committed to enforcing impaired driving laws and educating road users about the dangers posed by motorists who drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Drivers need to remember that any amount of alcohol or drugs can impair one’s ability to drive. Do your part in keeping our roads safe by planning ahead.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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