Port Hope Council Meeting – September 5, 2018

In City Hall, News

Below is a summary of key items discussed at the Municipality of Port Hope regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, September 4, 2018. The full agenda and staff reports are available on the Council Portal.

Motion to Reconsider Intention to Designate Under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act – 65 Ward Street
After delegations from representatives of Southbridge Care Homes and the Heritage Port Hope Advisory Committee, Council voted on the motion to reconsider the intention to designate under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. The motion was defeated. The matter is to be heard by the Conservation Review Board (CRB) at a future date, to be determined by the CRB. Once a decision is made by the CRB as to whether the building fits the criteria to be designated as a heritage building, the matter will return to Council. Council will then vote on the designation of the building.

Listing of Non-Designated Properties of Cultural Heritage Interest
After review of a staff report, Council passed a resolution endorsing the proposed four-step listing process and criteria for identifying and listing non-designated properties of cultural heritage value or interest in the Municipality of Port Hope, for inclusion on the Municipal Heritage Register.

The Planning Division staff will begin the process of identifying properties within the Municipality that are not designated but that have features that may be of heritage interest, either now or in the future.

Listing properties is a proactive approach to heritage conservation. It allows the Municipality to retain a record of significant properties and monuments for Port Hope’s architectural and cultural history. Property listing will contribute to improved recordkeeping to promote the understanding and appreciation of historic buildings and documentation of buildings, which may otherwise be lost as a result of demolition or neglect. This process both recognizes significant properties of cultural heritage interest and engages property owners to be stewards and caretakers of properties deemed integral to the architectural landscape of Port Hope.

The listing criteria and a four-step listing process involves the following:

1. Initial ‘windshield’ survey
2. Second Evaluation and Short-listing
3. Public Review and Community Engagement
4. Report to Council and Council Decision

Staff, in coordination with the Heritage Port Hope Advisory Committee, will undertake public engagement and consultation activities, including open houses and engagement with property owners, prior to the consideration of the listing of non-designated property by Council.

Regular quarterly reports will be prepared and presented to Committee of the Whole recommending properties for inclusion on the Municipal Heritage Register as non-designated properties of heritage interest.

This process aligns with the Municipality of Port Hope Community Strategic Plan, the Official Plan, as well as provincial best practices.

Municipal Law Enforcement Officers
Council appointed Municipal By-law Enforcement Officers, who act as Peace Officers for the purpose of enforcing the municipal By-laws under the Provincial Offences Act. This appointment by Council brings the By-law Enforcement Officers for the Municipality of Port Hope to a full complement.

Minutes from this meeting will be available pending approval at the next Council meeting on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, at which point they will become the official record of the meeting.

A recording of the September 4, 2018 Regular Council meeting and the Committee of the Whole meeting is available at porthope.ca/council-communications.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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