The City of Belleville was pleased to host a special appreciation event at City Hall yesterday in recognition of the incredible impact that the Municipality Contribution Agreement with Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG) has had in the community.
OLG payments are made under an equitable formula under the Municipality Contribution Agreement that determines the funds that municipalities receive for hosting a gaming facility and are based on a graduated scale of gaming revenue that is consistent across all sites in Ontario. Belleville City Council carefully allocates these funds to select projects each year. In Fiscal 2023-2024 (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024), the City of Belleville received a total of $3,526,075 through the agreement, bringing the life-to-date total of contributions to $21,563,557.
A significant portion of this funding goes to the City’s grant program each year to assist various community organizations. The past year’s funds supported 16 individual organizations and initiatives including Three Oaks, Continuing on in Education, Community Development Council of Quinte, Next Step Housing Connection, the Open Door Café, Quinte Arts Council and more. Spokespeople from these organizations were in attendance for the celebration to share their stories and how the funds have impacted them.
“It is great to be able to recognize the wonderful partnership we have with OLG through this event each year,” said Mayor Neil Ellis. “The Municipality Contribution Agreement brings so much to our community that residents may not be aware of. Yesterday was an opportunity to shine a light on the important organizations that benefit from this partnership and the work they are doing, and to show our sincere gratitude to OLG.”
“OLG is proud to be a vital part of the City of Belleville”, said Kathleen Devine, OLG’s Senior Municipal Relations Manager. “Each and every year, 100 per cent of OLG profits are reinvested in Ontario to support provincial priorities. From critical infrastructure to important local programs, to community festivals, OLG’s profits are hard at work in the City of Belleville and all across our province to build stronger communities. We also appreciate the contribution of gaming employees at Shorelines Casino Belleville who are making life in the City of Belleville that much better. When you play at an Ontario casino, you play for Ontario.”