Today’s Northumberland received a second letter in the mail on Monday, February 24, 2025 dealing with concerns of the Cobourg Police Service.
The letter was typed, but not signed and the author indicates they are an employee.
Today’s Northumberland will not publish most of the contents of the letter as they have not been proven and there is no signature or contact to confirm the allegations.
“We have given the police board the chance to do the right thing,” the letter starts off.
The letter states, “there is so much corruption in the Cobourg Police Service, that needs to be uncovered.”
One of the allegations speaks of “misappropriation of government funding that was being received for speciality units that weren’t active because of staffing.”
The author of the letter states employees have been directed not to speak with Today’s Northumberland.
“You must be as frustrated as we are by what’s going on in our community.”
“Anonymous letters are our only option because we are scared,” referring to their careers.
“The board will not do anything until you force them to take action.”
Reaching out to Adam Bureau who is Chair of the Cobourg Police Board for comment he stated in a e-mail, “thank you for reaching out with your questions regarding the anonymous letter.
Firstly, we do not engage in discussions or disclose details pertaining to confidential contracts or employment agreements, especially those based on anonymous communications.
Furthermore, regarding the financial aspects, please be assured that every dollar received, is done in a process that is open, transparent and that we are totally compliant with the reporting requirements with the Ministry.
Thank you for understanding our policies and practices in these matters. If you have further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out.”
Bureau also stated there will be a special police board meeting on March 5, 2025 at 6 p.m. in Council chambers of Victoria Hall discussing the previous letter and encourages the public to attend.