Video – Specialized Provincial Fire Training Trailer Comes to Cobourg

OFC Live Fire Training Trailer July 26, 2024

Firefighters from across Northumberland County said a mobile fire simulator has been “amazing training” over the last several days.

One of two Provincial live fire training units is at the Cobourg Firehall on Elgin Street.

When the Ontario Fire College closed in Gravenhurst in 2021, the Province bought two trailers which have live fire training capabilities.

One trailer operates in the northern part of Ontario and the other operates in the southern part of the province.

The cost of the unit coming to local municipalities to train firefighters is nothing.

The inside of the trailers can be customized for different scenarios and has a control room area when one of the instructors can visually see through cameras firefighters inside the trailer.

The instructor can also operate the dictate the amount of flame and smoke where the firefighters are training inside.

Cobourg Fire Chief Ellard Beaven said they applied for the trailer in the winter and were granted the trailer and two instructors for several days to teach not only Cobourg firefighters, but firefighters in the surrounding area including Hamilton Township.

The trailer uses propane and simulated smoke making the scenarios as real as possible.

Beaven said it’s the fire departments obligation to train the firefighters in live training.

Thirty-eight firefighters from Cobourg and others from Hamilton Township and Brighton will also be using the trailer.

“Otherwise, with the Fire College closed we would have to a Regional Training Centre which would incur a significant cost with travel and lodging.”

Beaven said the trailer comes right to the department where it has been for several days making it much easier for firefighters to attend.

“It simulates the whole fire scene. We have fire attack teams, we have rapid intervention teams, we’re raising ladders – every part of our job, we are fortunately being able to do this now live with the trailer.”

Working with the other seven fire departments in Northumberland County, Beaven said working together helps know how they operate and communicate at a major scene.

“So when that call does come in and we have to respond, and it’s under life and death conditions, we are able to work to work together.”

Northumberland – Peterborough South MPP David Piccini was at the trailer and said it was “incredible.”

“Health and safety and fire prevention go hand-in-hand and making sure our firefighters are safe and have the training is so important.”

Piccini said it’s anticipated two other trailers will also be funded by the Province but added he was disappointed that not all municipalities in Northumberland County took advantage of the free training.

“This is a model that works around Ontario. One we want to support, Premier Ford and our government.”

“Fires don’t care about jurisdiction so our teams in Northumberland County work together, fire fighters together.”

Cobourg Fire Department Captain Chris Post along with another firefighter from Cobourg and one from Brighton took part in the training.

Today’s Northumberland spoke to Post as he and the others just exited the trailer donning breathing apparatus and bunker gear.

“You get inside and it’s very realistic. They can set the temperature to dictate what they want. The scenario we have was quite hot, very, very smokey – very real life.”

During the scenario, Post and two other firefighters found a “victim.”

“Life safety is our priority so we brought them out. We were clicking on all cylinders as a team in there.”

“We’re so thrilled and lucky in Northumberland County for all the agencies to be involved to allow this to happen. We’ve taken total advantage of it and it’s been amazing training for us.”

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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