Lakefront Utilities Inc. Addresses Recent Power Outages

Over the past two weeks, customers of Lakefront Utilities Inc. (LUI) have experienced an unusually high number of power outages. While outages are more common in the summer due to storms and increased animal activity, the frequency of recent outages has caused concern among customers.

Many customers have speculated that the increase in power outages is caused by limited capacity due to increased demand from electric vehicles, air conditioners, and new developments within the service territory. However, LUI reassures customers that there is not a load capacity issue. In 2023, Lakefront energized a new transformer, adding 33 MVA of capacity to Cobourg’s distribution system to support growth and increased demand.

LUI understands the inconvenience and frustration caused by power outages and is committed to providing transparent communication with customers, sharing plans to prevent future occurrences, and ensuring increased service reliability.



Wednesday, July 3 at 6:33 a.m.: Approximately 3,500 customers in south-central Cobourg were without power for 70 minutes due to wildlife contact on the F9 circuit.

Saturday, June 29, at 9:20 a.m.: All customers in Cobourg and Colborne experienced a power outage for approximately one hour due to a loss of supply from Hydro One. Communication from Hydro One indicates the loss of a transmission circuit between Peterborough and the Port Hope Transformer Station, which supplies power to LUI customers in Cobourg and Colborne.

Friday, June 28 at 9:00 a.m.: Wildlife contact with a switch caused a momentary outage on the Victoria F9 feeder, which supplies south-central Cobourg.

Sunday, June 23 at 7:45 a.m.: 106 customers in the Park Street, Park Lane, and George Street area, supplied by the F2 feeder, experienced a two-hour outage due to animal contact with a switch.

Friday, June 21 at 5:57 a.m.: The F6 feeder, which supplies power to southeast Cobourg, experienced a momentary outage caused by animal contact.

Thursday, June 20, at 9:03 p.m. & 9:21 p.m.: Customers in south-central Cobourg supplied by the F13 / F14 / F19 feeders experienced a momentary interruption, most likely due to lightning. The F19 feeder had a second momentary interruption at 9:21 p.m., which was also likely caused by lightning.

Tuesday, June 18 at 8:01 p.m.: Wildlife contact with a switch caused a momentary power interruption on part of the Victoria F1 feeder, affecting customers in northeast Cobourg.

Improving Service Reliability

Upgrading Infrastructure: Replacing aging infrastructure as identified in LUI’s Asset Management Plan to enhance the reliability of the local distribution system.

Mobilizing Staff: Deploying staff and contractors to identify and address factors causing outages.

Hardening the Grid: Introducing additional wildlife interference protection measures on the overhead distribution system.

Enhancing Maintenance: Increasing the frequency of regular maintenance checks on critical infrastructure to identify and address weaknesses.

Leveraging Technology: Utilizing smart meter software for real-time outage information and the System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to pinpoint problematic areas.

Vegetation Management: Intensifying tree-trimming and vegetation management programs to reduce weather-related damage.

Engaging Hydro One: Collaborating with Hydro One for effective distribution planning.


Customer Support

During power outages, updates are posted on Lakefront’s mobile application, website, and social media pages. Additionally, LUI’s Customer Service Department is available to assist with any issues or concerns. LUI is dedicated to supporting customers by consistently providing timely information, especially during service interruptions.

The Board, management and staff at Lakefront Utilities are fully aware of the recent reliability issues and appreciate customers’ patience and understanding as they continue to improve services. Ensuring the safety and satisfaction of customers remains Lakefront Utilities’ top priority.

Lakefront Utilities is proud of its ongoing commitment to the community and its achievements as a locally-owned utility. Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s reliability statistics continue to exceed industry standards, as detailed in LUI’s 2023 Annual Report. Customers interested in reviewing Lakefront’s performance are encouraged to view Lakefront’s Scorecard, available at Customers can also learn more about Lakefront Utilities’ plans to harden the grid, improve reliability, and support growth in LUI’s Distribution System Plan, available at

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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