Video – Hope Agricultural Heritage Club Open House

Hope Agricultural Heritage Club Open House June 1, 2024

The Hope Agricultural Heritage Club held their annual open house over the weekend at their location on County Road 10, north of Welcome.

President, Earl Ashby said the Club was formed approximately 30-years ago by a group of local farmers for preserving antique farm machinery.

Twenty-years ago a building was built to store antique hand tools and tractors.

The Club keeps growing with another building being built to store more tractors.

“We’ve got machinery here that goes back 200 years that was used by our first settlers in this community.”

Ashby says the Club has tractors with steel wheels dating back to 1935.

“Once the wars were over they converted them back to rubber wheels.”

“The local community farmers they survived on these tractors. That was their living on a 100-acre farm.”

Ashby wouldn’t say if the adage about how they don’t build them like they used too, but did say a lot of the tractors in the collection are still running.

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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