Forty-Two Kilometre Walk for the Wounded Takes Place in Northumberland

Police Veterans Walk for the Wounded August 19, 2023

Fifteen men and women walked over 42-kilometres on Saturday, August 19, 2023 to awareness and funds in support of first responders and military mental health.

Northumberland OPP Constable Dylan Misseri organized the second annual event.

Last year there were five Northumberland OPP members, but there year there were 15 members that walked the distance.

The group started off at 3:30 a.m. at Hastings Marina for the trek along County Road 45 to Northumberland OPP Detachment in Cobourg.

The event is in support for Walk for the Wounded which takes place primarily in Ottawa.

But Misseri wanted to created the event locally for those who couldn’t make the Ottawa for the event.

“It’s to support the mental health of first responders military members and veterans of both entities.”

“It’s an organization that wants to put mental health on the forefront and let people know that it’s ok to be suffering. We all do it. We all have dark times.”

“We want everyone to know we can talk to each other.”

“When you’re walking you get to talk to people and half the people here I’ve never met before and you get to know them when you’re suffering together.”

Not only did they walk 42.4 kilometres in approximately nine hours- they did it carrying 22-pound packs and every hour stopped for 22-pushups which represents the number of veterans that commit suicide everyday.  (Total for the day was 198 push-ups)

Misseri said about eight kilometres before the finish is the hardest part.

“When you stop there and get going again that’s where it gets hard and you have to dig deep.” “You have to go internal on yourself and you have to really stay out and keep talking or you start to go downhill.”

With more people joining this year, it means more funds going to Wounded Warriors Canada.

The event was open to military members, and emergency responders and veterans along with a partner if they wanted to bring one.

“Last year we were sweltering in the heat” as the event was in July.

So I decided August might be a little cooler and it was a perfect day.”

“I think we’re doing good. Everyone seems to be in high spirits, but Misseri said everyone will have a good sleep tonight.

With $3,400 of the $5,000 goal raised the funds are still coming in.

If anyone would like to donate click HERE

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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