St. Peter’s Church Overnight Warming Room Opens Early

An overnight warming room planned for St. Peter’s Church, Cobourg, will be open to community members in need as of Wednesday, November 30.

As first reported by Today’s Northumberland, the investment by the Province and County of nearly $250,000, the warming room, located at 240 College Street, Cobourg, will be available from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. seven days a week until the end of March 2023.

This service will be an additional safe space where residents can take shelter from the cold and access washrooms and light refreshments.

“Transition House shelter and Northumberland County have been working to expedite preparations to make the warming room available to the community earlier than projected,” states CAO Jennifer Moore. “While we do continue to see capacity within the shelter system, the warming room provides an alternative to the emergency shelter environment, ensuring an additional winter relief measure is in place to meet the broad spectrum of need among vulnerable residents.

“As preparations for the St. Peter’s warming room have been underway, community volunteers have also stepped forward to offer temporary warming room accommodations at St. Andrew’s Church, Cobourg. We commend all those who have contributed to this increased response in support of people in need in Northumberland.”

Beginning December 9, members of the Homelessness Leadership Table—a collaboration of local agencies involved in the direct provision of programs and services for those experiencing homelessness—will also use the warming room as a daytime hub to provide on-site support services twice a week. Services will range from wellness checks and vaccine clinics to crisis intervention, housing search supports, addiction harm reduction supports, and social services.

Beyond warming room availability, expanded emergency shelter system capacity remains in place, with overflow spaces available through the local motel system should Transition House shelter become full. Individuals can access emergency shelter services through Transition House by visiting the shelter at 10 Chapel Street, Cobourg or calling 905-372-9562.

For more information about resources for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Northumberland, visit HousingAndShelter.

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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