DND Releases 2021 Report on Suicide Mortality (1995 to 2020)

On May 11, 2022, the Department of National Defence (DND) released the 2021 Report on Suicide Mortality in the Canadian Armed Forces. The findings from this report help National Defence better understand suicide and suicide factors in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to further refine our ongoing suicide prevention efforts. Additionally, the report will help DND make evidence-based decisions regarding investments in the CAF health and support programs.

The annual report is just one part of the CAF’s broad suicide prevention efforts described in the CAF and Veterans Affairs Canada’s Joint Suicide Prevention Strategy.

DND understands that military members can encounter stressful and sometimes traumatic situations as a result of the work they do in service to Canada. As such, the CAF continuously strives towards reducing barriers to care, including reducing the stigma around mental illness, and working to enhance the healthcare programs and services for CAF members. This includes the Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program and the Road to Mental Readiness Program.



“The health, safety, and well-being of all Canadian Armed Forces members is my top priority as Surgeon General. Normalizing conversations regarding mental health and suicide is integral to our understanding of the factors that lead to mental distress. Understanding these factors enables us to constantly improve the healthcare programs and services that we offer to our members. As clinicians, we know the benefits of reducing the stigma and encouraging an open dialogue when it comes to mental health, and investing in the education and awareness programs required to help our members. Please do not struggle in silence, we are here to help you.”

Major-General Marc Bilodeau, Surgeon General of the Canadian Armed Forces



Quick Facts



Associated Links

2021 Surgeon General Report on Suicide Mortality in the Canadian Armed Forces

Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program (CFMAP)

Joint Suicide Prevention Strategy

Mental Health resources for CAF members and families

Suicide and Suicide Prevention in the Canadian Armed Forces

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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