Ontario Provincial Police Hand Out Close to 80 Tickets on Canada Day Along Highway 401 in Northumberland County

July 1 opp 1

Northumberland OPP along with members of the Highway Safety Division issued approximately 80 tickets along Highway 401 in Northumberland County on Canada Day.

Tickets ranged from speeding, stunt driving, careless driving, not wearing seatbelts and many others.

Officers were set-up throughout the day on the Wesleyville overpass in Port Hope where a number of tickets were issued including stunt driving.

A number of warnings were also issued including having open liquor in the vehicle.

In Colborne, a RIDE program also yielded a number of people who weren’t wearing their seatbelts.

At approximately 1 p.m. numerous complaints were reported of two vehicles heading eastbound at a high rate of speed.

One driver was stopped just before Grafton and the driver was charged with stunt driving, careless driving, tinted windows, obstructed plate and improper muffler.

The G-2 was on his way from Toronto to Kingston for a family gathering.

After removing the fireworks from his vehicle, he waited for a ride from someone in Kingston to take him to the gathering and light the fireworks later in the evening.

Also seized during the day was a radar detector which is illegal in the Province of Ontario.

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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