Video – Appeal Hearing for A-1 Taxi in Cobourg

Photo:A-1 Taxi, Verander Gill and Municipal Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services, Brent Larmer speak while the appeal hearing was in recess.

A appeal process took place in council chambers on Monday, March 9, 2020 in relation to the revocation of A-1 Taxi licenses.

The appeal process was granted to the owner of A-1 Taxi, Verander Gill after the town of Cobourg pulled the taxi licenses from A-1 Taxi.

In his statement requesting an appeal to the town, Gill states, “the decision to revoke all licenses from A1 Taxi was and is unjust nor does this decision benefit the town of Cobourg and its citizens.”

“We strive to provide the best possible services for our customers, even if we have to make short-term financial sacrifices as we have been doing in the last few months due to the tough Taxi bylaws making it difficult to provide excellent services to the town of Cobourg.”

“Your bylaws have created two hour wait times most night and a loss of drivers.”

“We would like the opportunity to meet and resolve these issues to continue serving the public as that is A1 taxi main concern and priority.”

“We should be working together to give the citizens of Cobourg, especially the young and elderly A1 services and the best opportunity to enjoy all Cobourg and A1 has to offer.”

Municipal Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services, Brent Larmer handed out to councillors a detailed summary of the infractions of A-1 taxi.

Gill presented his case to council, before council recessed into chambers to make their decision.

Approximately 15-minutes later the appeal hearing resumed.

Councillor Aaron Burchat who is Coordinator of Protection Services and Chair of the Appeal Hearing read a motion stating, “based on the evidence that has been provided to the Appeal Hearing Committee, the application to appeal the decision by the Municipal Clerk has been denied.”

Deputy Mayor Suzanne Sequin seconded the motion and others gave it a unanimous decision.

After the hearing Gill said it was the wrong decision.

“I’ll shut it down – close down,” stating he’s lost interest.



Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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