Learn More About Alberta Alienation at Northumberland Learning Connection’s Spring Series

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
As if Alberta is rarely out of Canadian news, this week brought the announcement of the withdrawal of Teck’s massive investment in Alberta and a warning from Premier Jason Kenney of existential threats facing the province.

Which only confirms the timeliness of the Northumberland Learning Connection’s spring series Alberta: The Maverick Province.

Canadians are beginning to realize more fully how this single province’s discontent can affect the whole nation’s political, economic and cultural future. The balanced and fascinating NLC series will deepen that understanding through a variety of speakers and presentations that begin April 2 with a visit from Preston Manning.

The Reform Party founder – very much a maverick himself, and an example of how Albertans forge their own paths – will speak on A Fair Deal at 7:30.

“My personal political convictions are rooted in the populist political traditions of Western Canada,” Manning has said.

He has also stated that Western alienation “stems from frustrated ambitions, unfulfilled expectations and the tragedy of unrealized potential.”

Manning brings an historical knowledge of the province that is so vital to helping Canadians contextualize what is happening there now, as well as a surprising dose of humour.

The series then moves on to the other touchstones of the province – oil, ranching, a colourful political history, the mavericks, the national parks and a big wind-up concert of cowboy music and poetry, with The Loft offering a screening of Tar Sands: The Selling of Alberta.

Speakers include petroleum expert Richard Masson, rancher Rachel Herbert, historian Doug Francis, novelist and cultural commentator Aritha Van Herk, former national parks superintendent Kevin van Tighem, and cowboy BJ Smith.

Aside from the opening presentation, and the May 8 concert at the Cobourg Legion hall, presentations for the most part alternate between Cobourg’s Columbus Community Centre (232 Spencer St. E.) and Port Hope’s Knights of Columbus Hall (1 Elias St.).

Tickets for Manning’s presentation and the May 8 event are $25, but are otherwise available for $20. Purchases can be made on the NLC website, and (except for the April 2 and May 8 events) early-bird rates apply through March 7.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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