The area of Brighton is still dealing with high water along the shoreline of Lake Ontario.
The area of Gosport (Lambton Street) has sandbags along the shoreline that is protecting homes from the water.
Electricity is off in the area of a number of docks and water has spilled over into ditches on the other side of the roadway in areas.
The beach area in Presquille Provincial Park used to have approximately 100 feet of sand before reaching the water, but now the water is up to the edge of the shoreline with what is left of the beach littered with debris.
Certain trails and boardwalks are closed in the Park because of the high water.
Along the shoreline tones of stones have been thrown up onto the shore almost burying picnic tables and benches because of high winds and waves last week.
Clean-up will likely take weeks, but it’s unknown if staff will wait until the water recedes before starting cleanup.