Cobourg Police Service Board Looks to Improve Communications

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
At the request of Vice-chair Adam Bureau, the Cobourg Police Services Board took time at its October meeting to discuss communications with the public.

Bureau commended the Cobourg Police Service on its efforts through social media and press releases, but noted that a lot of misinformation persists on what the board does and what its roles and responsibilities are.

His original idea was to follow up each police board meeting with a video posted on social media to keep members of the public up to date.

Chair Ronald Kerr thought, alternatively, that this might be the time to review the board’s media policy, perhaps asking staff to make the review and investigate what best practices are being employed elsewhere, then return with a report on which to base any consideration of revisions.

And when it comes to actual reports to the public, member Nicole Beatty said she would feel happier having a member of staff make the report, as opposed to a police board member.

“I’m very supportive of the idea,” member Sean Graham said, adding, “it’s no secret that social media is extremely dominant in today’s society.

“A lot of people I know, to this very moment, have no idea what a police board does – frankly, at a time when communications in local media are dwindling.”

“I am always happy to review policies and procedures,” Chief Paul VandeGraaf said.

The board passed a motion to have the chief and Executive Assistant Sarah Giddings review the current policy, conduct appropriate research, and report back to the board.

Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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