Editorial – Lack of Information a Slap in the Face of Community Policing

Should it matter where a crime is committed in a community if a name is released and when should a release be issued?

Today’s Northumberland learned on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 that Cobourg Police releases names of people who have been charged criminally, only if they are in a specific area.

The program is called “Dynamic Patrol.”

The editorial shocked some people who read the article.

Police have routinely stated the public are the “eyes and ears” of policing.

Especially in Cobourg, where police boast about community policing.

Police have often said how the public helps police solve crimes with tips including CrimeStoppers.

It’s a safe bet that police couldn’t do their jobs of solving crimes without the public’s assistance.

Not releasing names flies in the face of community policing.

If people don’t know who is charged – how can they help police if they see that person doing something they shouldn’t be.

“They actually are shooting themselves in the foot,” said one person who read yesterday’s editorial.

“The public is helping them do their jobs and by keeping people accountable.”

It also is a two-fold approach.

If a person’s name is released and they are on conditions they may likely be more apt to abide by those conditions.

A driver who is charged with impaired driving is given a immediate license suspension.

If the name was released and someone spotted the person driving – they could call police.

It also be said that releasing names of people charged in a certain area is marginalizing individuals who live there.

Imagine in Toronto releasing names of people who live in an area of poverty, but if you live in an area of wealth your name won’t be released.

We doubt, and hope that would never happen.

Picking and choosing area’s where a name is or isn’t released sets a very poor standard of policing.

Today’s Northumberland has always stated that people who are charged criminally should have their names released.

It’s a matter of public record. And everyone knows you’re innocent until proven guilty.

A person could be charged with a minor criminal offence involving a theft of a shopping cart and their name would be released if the person was caught in the area of the program called “Dynamic Patrol.”

While another who could possibly be charged with a more serious offence including possession of a weapon, assault, or impaired driving and if they weren’t in the “Dynamic Patrol” area, their name wouldn’t be released. It’s a term that might want to renamed “Sanctuary” from the 1970’s movie called Logan’s Run which was a place where people want to go to escape.

Issuing a release without the name of the person charged could also be considered self-serving to the police.

But in the end, is it really helping the community.

Another bone of contention – when is a press release warranted?

Today’s Northumberland became aware of incident where hundreds of dollars in meat was stolen from a local grocery store.

There were many witnesses to the event including staff, but there is no press release.

Given the theft occurred during store hours, there is also likely video.

Why not release it?

As said at the beginning, the public are the eyes and ears of the police.

If the police have the video and taken a report, there is absolutely no reason why a release including a screen grab or even a short video can’t be posted.

The Police Services Board must start asking questions and not just pat each other on the back for a job well done.

This community expects and deserves it.

It goes without saying that police have a brutal job these days enforcing the law, being social workers etc.

This is not a slant at them.

But Cobourg is a “community” and we expect to be notified about the good, the bad and the ugly in terms of policing.

If anything is certain, the last few days has clearly shown there is a lot of room for improvement for the police communicating with the people they serve.

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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