Cobourg Council – Cobourg Mayor Reveals Neurodivergent Status

(Today’s Northumberland file photo)

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland

It’s not disrespect that makes him fidget and tap his pen during council, Cobourg Mayor Lucas Cleveland said at June’s council meeting Wednesday.

He’s neurodivergent.

Cleveland acknowledged hearing “a lot of concerns regarding my behaviour as the mayor or council meetings.

“A lot of individuals in the community feel this is a sign of disrespect ot lack of attention.”

In fact, Cleveland said, for a neurodivergent individual, the opposite is true.

“In order to pay full attention, you distract the body physically – fidgeting, flicking a pen – so you can focus on the person that is speaking.

“I just think in 2024 this needs to be said.

“I am not the only neurodivergent out there, and I think this is knowledge that needs to be out in the community. Fidgeting is just sometimes the way we deal with extended long council meetings.”

Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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