Festive RIDE Program Kicks Off in Cobourg

Cobourg Police Service (CPS) is committed to keeping our community roadways safe for drivers, passengers and pedestrians through education and enforcement. In December, CPS will join police services across Ontario in focusing on impaired driving through the Festiive RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) Campaign.

The Festive RIDE Campaign is an annual province-wide police enforcement and education initiative aimed at taking impaired drivers off our roads during the holiday season. Led by the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, Festive RIDE involves a collaboraotin among Ontario police services to keep roads free of alcohol-impaired and drug-impaired drivers.

In The Town of Cobourg, Festive RIDE ramps up at the beginning of December and runs until January 2, 2024.

During the campaign, residents and visitors to Cobourg can expect increased police presence as officers conduct RIDE initiatives. During these RIDE checks, CPS will stop vehicles to engage with the community and provide education and enforcement focused on impaired driving.

Police remind motorists to be mindful when approaching a RIDE Check location. Officers will be standing in live lanes of traffic. When you see the flashing red and blue lights, slow down and proceed with caution. Officers will guide you through the checkpoint.

Stopping impaired driving starts with you. Commit to driving sober and make a plan to get home safely after consuming any substance —be it alcohol or drugs.
• Designate a sober driver.
• Call a cab, friend, or Operation Red Nose.
• Stay the night.
Impaired driving remains the leading criminal cause of death in Canada. If you know or suspect that a driver is impaired by alcohol or drugs, call 9-1-1. In doing so, you may save a life.

YMCA Northumberland is running Operation Red Nose, the safe ride service. We encourage everyone to call ORN at (905) 377-1218 during the evenings and hours of operation for a safe, reliable ride home. The program will be available between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. on November 25, December 1,2, 8, 9,15,16,22 and 31.

Visit ymcanrt.org/orn and follow the YMCA Northumberland Facebook page for more information on how their volunteers can help get you and your car home safely this holiday season.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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