Northumberland County’s 2022 Annual Report A Visually Engaging Story of Tax Dollars at Work

On July 19, 2023, Northumberland County has released its 2022 Annual Report. Since 2018, the County has been awarded marketing industry awards for the design of its Annual Report for communicating key program, service and budget information in a visually engaging way for residents. This year’s report details advancements in strategic priorities, as well as the organization’s full audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

“The 2022 Annual Report marks the tenth annual report produced by Northumberland County. It is our premier publication for demonstrating transparency and accountability, which is important for building and sustaining trust with our community,” states CAO Jennifer Moore. “This year’s report highlights the significant strides the County made in advancing key priorities outlined in our Strategic Plan and annual business plans in 2022. The report demonstrates how budget dollars were allocated to deliver essential services, infrastructure and programming in the community, and demonstrates the tangible results of strong fiscal management.”

As outlined in this report, the County’s $181.3 million budget in 2022 included $65.3 million towards capital investments to support vital infrastructure in our community, $109.1 million for core service delivery, and $6.9 million for reserves towards future financing for identified initiatives and infrastructure needs.

This budget helped advance numerous significant projects, such as the redevelopment of the Golden Plough Lodge & Northumberland County Archives and Museum facility, design and pre-construction work for the new Trent River Crossing in Campbellford, the preparation of new supportive housing units in Campbellford, as well as essential fleet and equipment upgrades to support the delivery of emergency services, road construction and maintenance, and waste management.

“We are pleased to share this report, which highlights the continued efforts of Council and staff to deliver value to the community through careful administration of taxpayer dollars,” states County Warden Mandy Martin. “As we turn our attention towards initiatives underway in 2023, this Annual Report is an important mechanism to reflect on community priorities, and to drive efficient and fiscally responsible delivery of projects, programs and services to shape our community.”

The 2022 Annual Report is available on the County website at

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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