Cobourg Police Service checks over 2,100 vehicles and urges everyone to plan – drive sober
The Cobourg Police Service kicked off the Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere program (RIDE) at the beginning of December and since, has checked over 2,100 vehicles in the Town of Cobourg.
During these RIDE checks, Cobourg Police Service Officers, Special Constables and Auxiliary members stop vehicles to engage with the community, as well as provide education and enforcement focused on impaired driving.
Cobourg Police Service members have checked 2,131 vehicles (as of December 13) and officers have issued 25 Highway Traffic Act Cautions and conducted three roadside tests with an Approved Screen Device. One roadside test resulted in three-day driver’s licence suspension for a breath sample which registered an alert. One Driver of a motor vehicle was charged with Fail to Slow Down and Proceed with Caution for Emergency Vehicle.
The Festive RIDE Campaign continues into January 2022.
Make the commitment to yourself, your passengers, and your community to never drive after consuming alcohol or drugs.
“Know Before You Go” how you are getting home after consuming any substance —be it alcohol, drugs, or even certain medications—that causes impairment.
• Designate a sober driver
• Call a cab
• Call a friend
• Stay the night
YMCA Northumberland is running Operation Red Nose, the safe ride service, this winter. This service is free and confidential. We encourage everyone to visit and follow the YMCA Northumberland Facebook page for more information on how the amazing YMCA volunteers can help get you and your car home safely this holiday season.
Please report suspected impaired driving by calling 911. Impaired driving is the #1 criminal cause of death in Canada, yet every impaired driving crash is preventable. By calling 911 and reporting suspected impaired drivers to police, every