Municipality of Brighton Strategic Plan Refresh

Recently, Municipality of Brighton Council undertook a strategic planning refresh exercise to open the book on existing priorities, project statuses, and new priorities that have emerged, halfway through this term of Council.

Throughout this process, Council and Senior Staff were able to take part in fulsome discussion that resulted in the reprioritization of projects and new initiatives. Several projects have been completed since the original 2019 Strategic Plan; a few highlights include.

Asset Management Policy

Skateboard Park

Creation of an Economic Development Committee

Update of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw

Update of the Official Plan

Update Audio Visual Technology in the Council Chambers

Design and Addition of the Brighton Health Services Building

“Halfway through the term it was time for Council to review the Strategic Plan that we put in place at the beginning of the term to find out where we are and to reset our goals for the balance of this Council term. Council recognizes the significant work that staff has been able to accomplish, even through difficult times of shutdown, and we offer our
thanks for the incredible progress that we have made over these past two years. With this Strategic Plan refresh, Council looks forward to a successful completion of our term.

We are making incredible strides and see a bright future ahead for our incredible community!”, said Mayor Ostrander.
A link to the document on Reports, Studies and Plans page of the municipal website at

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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