The Township of Cramahe is closing all municipal facilities effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday, December 26, 2020 until January 23, 2021.
Cramahe Township is working with local and provincial health and community health partners to monitor and take measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) for the protection of all.
The municipal facilities affected are:
the Keeler Centre;
the Castleton Town Hall; and
the Colborne Tiwn Hall.
The Colborne municipal office will be closed to the public.
Cheque’s will be accepted through the drop box, by mail, online banking and telephone banking for tax payments.
The Keeler Centre and Castleton Town Hall are closed to the public and have suspended all recreational bookings.
The Colborne and Castleton branches of the Cramahe Public Library remain closed December 25 to January 4, 2021. This will be reassessed in January.
For ongoing information:
Cramahe Township website:,1,6UpNWE_1sRUvmJMZ58toqGGfijIw39rM2nYn2fGAcjr2uXYhnd9NVxLHRYhxRCrKHkaHRlVEsiHjyisBMmicA8yZJOJPYvgZwJZ2eN3mNpw,&typo=1
Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge (HKPR) District Health Unit website:,1,xY8QX8rsOQ9kUYGprw5B9bmjB_eJwpIsfBTDLzK8_FbBMc-qAl34-xzexXBMeCffgZPfcfr6llTJGLWjNB7Y8dkCKVmCCZPc17K4R6GKCEeGI1LrmDZB&typo=1