Cobourg Council – Cobourg Starts Process for a Diversity and Inclusion Policy

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Cobourg will end the year with a Diversity and Inclusion Policy, following a vote at council this week.

The motion was put forward by Councillors Emily Chorley and Adam Bureau, responding to a need highlighted by the Black Lives Matter movement “for a reaffirmed commitment to confronting racism and removing systemic barriers to equality.”

The motion instructs staff to draft a policy that will address the inclusion of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour as well as women, people with disabilities, newcomers to Canada, “as well as those who identify as pansexual, questioning, non-binary, and other gender and sexual minorities (2SLGBTQIAP+) community and other visible minorities.”

The policy should include “annual commitments to equity and inclusion training for Town of Cobourg staff, volunteers and members of council, engagement of citizens and advisory committees, and communications on progress.”

Citizen engagement should be part of the project, the motion continued, with a report back to council on Aug. 24 and a draft ready for council consideration by Dec. 7.

Councillor Nicole Beatty had one amendment to make – not to the content of the motion but to its title. Upon reflection and consultation, Beatty said she would like to see the policy referred to as the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

The motion was passed.

Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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