Northumberland County Council Will Get Recommendation to Declare Menstrual Hygiene Day

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Northumberland County council will receive a recommendation to proclaim May 28 Menstrual Hygiene Day in Northumberland County at its May meeting.

The recommendation will come from its Economic Development, Tourism and Planning Standing Committee, which heard a presentation from Northumberland United Way Manager of Communications and Development Maggie Darling on the Period Promise Northumberland initiative they launched last year with the Thrive Northumberland organization (which works to end violence against women).

Darling said that some 25% of Canadian women say they struggle to afford menstrual products for themselves or their children. They have heard stories of mothers who occasionally must provide their daughters with such makeshift solutions as rags.

“At Period Promise Northumberland, we believe no one should have to choose between buying groceries to feed their families or being able to afford basic hygiene products,” Darling said to the committee.

The movement began in British Columbia as Tampon Tuesday and expanded once the scope of the problem became clear.

The local initiative was launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, which somewhat hindered their ability to get the message out. At the same time, the pandemic exacerbated the so-called period poverty problem, closing many subsidized supply streams such as schools and libraries. As well, disrupted supply chains meant the risk of shortages that drive up prices and drive down availability.

Their two goals are advocacy and collection-and-distribution, the latter carried out in partnership with local not-for-profit organizations. To date, they have distributed more than 5,000 products through such organizations as the Salvation Army, Transition House, the Cobourg Public Library and the Northumberland Hills Hospital Community Mental Health clinic.

“Not having these products when you need them can mean making connections to your community difficult,” PPN committee member Stephanie Campbell said.

“You miss out on social events because it’s easier to stay home.”

In requesting the declaration, Campbell and Darling also mentioned their collection-and-awareness campaign that runs from May 6 through June 3. While cash donations are welcome, Campbell said that donations of product will also be accepted at many grocery stores and participating businesses.

Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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